Monday, August 04, 2008

Hankin- Hicks Peaceable Kingdom

In yesterdays Inqy I was mentioned concerning a sculpture, by Tom Otterness, proposed for Philadelphia based on the Peaceable Kingdom paintings of Edward Hicks. Some might ask how a Hankin is related to the Hicks of note. My fathers family were humble English immigrants who came here in the 1860's. My grandfather was a Deacon of his Presbyterian Church and worked as a machinist. My dad was an Army officer trained as an instrument maker. My upbringing was in a Quaker household that loved the arts. Edward Hicks was and is seen as an important spiritual leader of my faith.


Blogger C Merry said...

So why don't they have you do the park? Otterness is a disgusting dog killer I really can't see why they want to elevate such a grotesque person. I can't believe there aren't great PA artists out there and there are plenty of artists who never killed for fun and attention and showed it off later looped over and over.

2:38 PM  

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