Friday, September 24, 2004

Barnes funding

If the Barnes collection is so important to the people of the Commonwealth of PA, then why does not the Governor step in and just help the foundation?
When the state wanted to expand the convention center they gave PAFA a large grant to move to the building across Cherry St.

Moving the Barnes must be seen as a way of packing Philadelphia with cultural destinations solely meant to help the city. There is nothing that draws a crowd more than Impressionist and modern art.

I wish those who are in favor of this move would just admit that they want access to the art, not to the defunct educational programs. No one seems to be willing to question if the Barnes teaching model is relevant. They just want to strip bare the collection. Yesterday the judge was able to get the trustee Harmelin, to state that the plan to recreate the galleries was not cast in stone.

It seems that the finances are less of the problem than the desire to simply have a more visible location.

Fallingwater is hard to get to, should it be moved to a park in Pittsburgh?

Modern fund raising depends on having a place where the wealthy can gather and bask in the glow of those icons they worship. That is the real plan.

Philly Inq report on hearing


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