Thursday, March 31, 2005

Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/31/2005 | Santorum's profile high in Schiavo case

Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/31/2005 | Santorum's profile high in Schiavo case: "Santorum said he disagreed with Danforth's op-ed comments.....

........ he and his wife, Karen, did not have living wills.

'I have my own convictions about how to handle the end-of-life issues with respect to me and my wife, and I want to have the freedom to be able to exercise those,' Santorum said. 'I just want to make sure that individuals who are in that situation have their rights protected, including their own wishes.'" wrote Steve Goldstein.

Does Santorum care that 43 million people don't have health insurance? What rights to life do they have. Pay Go, means Die and Go Away, to some Republicans.

The New York Times > Arts > Arts Special > Rebuilding? It's Time for Rebranding

The New York Times > Arts > Arts Special > Rebuilding? It's Time for Rebranding: "The city made a similar concerted effort in 1996 for the Museum of Art's blockbuster Cézanne retrospective, but 'this is cranking it up a notch,' said Gail Harrity, the chief operating officer of the Philadelphia Museum. 'It's always been important to have larger and more-diverse audiences, but these days you can best achieve these goals through innovative marketing efforts.'" wrote Carol Vogel.

The truth of marketing in todays museums is in the hands of a small set of people who only see the role of museums to sell themselves rather then to record the history of art.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The New York Times > Arts > Critic's Notebook: On the Internet, 2nd (and 3rd and . . . ) Opinions

The New York Times > Arts > Critic's Notebook: On the Internet, 2nd (and 3rd and . . . ) Opinions: "In other words, the review is being replaced by a shopping list. Which brings out something important about the economy of the Web. The more lists you're on, the more you're wanted. The premier compliment for a Weblog is to be listed (or linked) by lots of other blogs. The Truth Laid Bear keeps a list of the most-linked sites, a 'blogosphere ecosystem.' It's like the Social Register." wrote Sarah Boxer.

Sounds like the traditional media is choking on the feast that the web has to offer...... What a Shame!

Friday, March 18, 2005

Free art

I have had many art teachers over the years. They have all been hard working and serious people. They all have been paid well for their work as teachers of art. Not one of them has ever said that teaching should be free because it was good for society. I wonder why the idea that art should be given away or exhibited for free came about. The desire to be regarded as an artist and have their work seen in a temple of art is a modern idea. Past artists sold their work to the rich collectors or the Governments of their time, kings or religious leaders. It has only been with the advent of corporations in our republic that non profit corporations, museums, began to collect art in the name of the public. These public collections replace the commissioning of the government. Artists who retire with good pensions should still value the time and effort it takes to make art. Students should be told that what they make is worth something. Presenters of art should pay artists for the time their art is on exhibit just like they pay for the electricity to light the show.

Authors are not expected to give their books and plays away for free to readers or play goers. Libraries still pay for the books that one can get to read for free.

Idealists that think art should be free only destroy the value of art as a whole.

I feel that if the public doesn't want what one makes it should be burned. Don't put it in the attic for someone to find later to make a profit on.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

ArtsJournal: Modern Art Notes

ArtsJournal: Modern Art Notes: "why LACMA is willing to turn itself into AEG" wrote Tyler Green.

Perhaps the arts world should sell out to the billionaire presenters just like the USA non profit hospitals have. I bet one of them would pay the PMA 50 billion for their collection. Then that money could be put into a foundation, use the interest earned to fund new art, produce some truly modern master works.


What would happen if there was a way for artists to sell shares in their work? Would anyone buy a share of a painting that would be sold in the future? Why not look for investors the same way that builders and businesses do? What is the level of trust that an artist has and how is that related to the way capital is formed? Non-profit grants can't be used for paying off debt or for wages. Would it be possible to raise money other ways?

Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Dictionary of the History of Ideas: "This ancient conception of art is not foreign to us,
but it appears today under other names: craft, skill,
or technique. The Greek name for art was technē, and
as a matter of fact our term “technique” suits the
ancient idea of art better than our term “art,” which
is now used as an abbreviation for fine arts."

What modern art has lost- what modern arts administrators might want to explain to the public.

Monday, March 14, 2005 News - Sci-Tech - Scientists discover why songs stick in your mind News - Sci-Tech - Scientists discover why songs stick in your mind: "It is the auditory cortex - the area that handles information from the ears - that holds on to musical memories." wrote James Reynolds.

Does this hold true for the visual? Why are some good at remembering faces and not names? The brain seems to be a biological hard drive as well as computer. What makes a painting "memorable?"

Telegraph | Arts | 'It's not like selling socks'

Telegraph | Arts | 'It's not like selling socks': "Given the success of the Hirst brand, the triumph of the marketeer may well be on its way.", Davies wrote.

The commercial art world feeds the non profit arts world. Who will write about the deal making between galleries and museum directors? The Dali show in Phila. is about branding. The "Gates" in NY was about branding. The products they sell are books and prints, not the art. Has anyone asked what the anticipated revenues are from the sale of the "Gates" book? What is the message that the public gets from this mass marketing? Why February some ask, because of the lead time to produce a book for the Christmas shopping spree. Will it be a number one best seller? I'll wait until it hits the remainder store.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

The : Dali Revisited

The : Dali Revisited: "Its curators argue that Dali was a man ahead of his time who influenced such artists as Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein.

Hear a conversation about the controversial life and art of Salvador Dali"

I am glad to hear that the curator feels that artists should not starve. Perhaps he would give me health insurance. He could ask that the museum hold a fund raiser to help artists.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

ArtsJournal Forum: A Better Case for the Arts?

ArtsJournal Forum: A Better Case for the Arts?: "comes down to just a few people working to make that climate happen (patrons, advocates, teachers, visionaries, troublemakers), all the names for the kinds of people who get things done. They usually approach this in an old fashioned marketing style - who needs to be convinced to do something, what do they need to hear to be convinced." wrote Robert Lynch.

Advocates for the arts need to be ministers rather than preachers. Helping those who support the arts by guiding their creative souls not demanding their support.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Come and get it: Pair hand out free art

Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/10/2005 | Come and get it: Pair hand out free art: "But getting the work noticed proved a struggle, they say, and the exclusivity of the gallery and museum scene was discouraging."

Grass roots or skybox? In bring art to the streets, a long tradition of artists, does this give art respect? Free art is a concept that lowers the value of art to the level of Cracker Jack give away. It helps to give recognition to the brand, like noise makers given away at an Eagles game for a tax preparation service, but does it raise the publics desire to buy or support art? The negative allusion to "stuffy galleries" does nothing to improve the art world.

Art Matters ran a celebration of their magazine a few years back called "Art is Everywhere." Did it bring more support to the art world. Perhaps the Philly Art Museum should be handing out Dali bobble head dolls at the Clothespin sculpture.

I would prefer an Art Super Sunday on the Parkway. perhaps the Barnes would do this as a peoples celebration of their new museum. The concept would be simple, invite artists to show up, no booths or fees. Just bring what you have to share. Paint if you want or make anything. Art is after all "free expression."

John Laub, 57, Scenic Painter of Landscapes in the Northeast, Dies

The New York Times > Arts > Art & Design > John Laub, 57, Scenic Painter of Landscapes in the Northeast, Dies: "John Frederick Laub was born in Philadelphia on Dec. 30, 1947. He studied at the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia, the School of Visual Arts in New York and the Philadelphia College of Art, from which he received a degree in graphic design."

A classmate from PCA. Sad loss. I hadn't heard of his illness.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

ArtsJournal: Daily Arts News

ArtsJournal: Daily Arts News: "'Should we be making ANY case for the arts"

Follow this for a view of the arts world.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/04/2005 | Art | Not just on walls, the work's all around

Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/04/2005 | Art | Not just on walls, the work's all around: ".... figure paintings may be large and dramatic in a primeval way, but for me a handful of smaller still-lifes steals the show. ....... but Erlebacher's atmospheric lighting and subdued coloring gives them an uncommon emotional current." wrote Edward J. Sozanski.

Living art in Philadelphia. While visiting town for the Dali show go see some of the galleries too.

Epson To Guarantee Fine Art Prints

Epson To Guarantee Fine Art Prints: "'We're amazed at how easy it is to create digital fine art reproductions that meet our requirements of color accuracy and longevity,' said Debra LaKind, MFA Head of Rights, Licensing and Visual Archives.
" wrote David Schloss.

With this new technology is there any need for "New Art"?
The sale of old art in Las Vegas and other museum shops can only hurt the value of original third tier artists work. If a museum has the right to reproduce a famous artists work who would want something worth more then $100 from an unknown artist?

Thursday, March 03, 2005

The New York Times: A New Prince of Wall Street Uses His Riches to Buy Up Art

The New York Times : "'These hedge fund guys are having more of an impact on the market than the Saul Steinbergs did,' said Richard Feigen, an art dealer who helped Mr. Steinberg put together his collection of old masters." wrote THOMAS and VOGEL

Gee, this is the same Feigen that testified at the Barnes hearing last fall and said the Barnes Board could save themselves. That they were undervaluing the Corot painting. Guess he knew what he was talking about.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Modern Art Notes: Barnes gets a board star

ArtsJournal: Modern Art Notes: "That bodes well for the future health" wrote Tyler Green.

Now we just need a super star architect to design the new museum. Then the rich Phila. blue bloods will be proud!

CBC Arts: Minority artists earn less: study

CBC Arts: Minority artists earn less: study: "A Canadian artist typically earns an annual salary of $23,500 (about 26 per cent less than the average for all labour force workers)."

Where are the statistics for USA artists?

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Seraphin Gallery | 1108 Pine St, Philadelphia

Seraphin Gallery | 1108 Pine St, Philadelphia: "MARTHA MAYER ERLEBACHER"

Great art!

Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/28/2005 | Deadlines loom for property-tax relief program

Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/28/2005 | Deadlines loom for property-tax relief program: "Pennsylvania homeowners have only a day left to sign up for a share of $1 billion a year in promised property-tax cuts that will be financed by taxes on slot-machine gambling." wrote Jackson.

The moral dilemma is this. I am against gambling so I can not accept money made from gambling. I am forced to pay extra for the moral values of my religion. What a screwed up world we live in.